Drug And Alcohol Assessment Online & Court Ordered Alcohol Evaluation Online

Licensed & Nationally Certified Services

Professional, affordable alcohol & drug assessments meeting the requirements for nearly all agencies

Why You Might Need An Alcohol and Drug Evaluation?

Ever had one of those moments when life throws you a curveball? Maybe it was a night out that ended in a DUI, or perhaps you’ve been feeling like your drinking or drug use is getting out of hand.

A Drug and Alcohol Assessment is the simplest way out of your restrictions after the violation. A drug and alcohol evaluation for DUI is all about understanding where you’re at with alcohol or drugs and figuring out the best way forward to help you feel happier and healthier.

Whether you need an evaluation for pre-trial diversion, probation, driver’s license reinstatement, or request from your attorney, etc., we offer evaluations that are accepted by all agencies.  We offer standardized evaluations as well as specific requests such as SALCE, SASSI, etc. Whatever your need is, we’ve got you covered.

What are Court Ordered Alcohol and Drug Evaluations?

In many cases, you are ordered by the legal system to get tested for drugs and alcohol so they can determine your probation sentence. Court Ordered Alcohol and Drug assessments are something that cannot be taken lightly.

Some reasons that you might need a drug and alcohol evaluation for court are:

Operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs (DWI, DUI)
Operating a boat while under the influence (BWI)
Behaving disorderly while under the influence
Being found in possession of illegal substances or alcohol, including cases involving underage individuals
Exhibiting public drunkenness (PI)
Engaging in the distribution or trafficking of drugs
Producing or distributing controlled substances

What Does a Court Ordered Alcohol and Drug Evaluation Include?

The alcohol drug evaluation itself is straightforward and easy to follow. Here’s what you can expect from your assessment:

Comprehensive Assessment: An alcohol drug assessment for court evaluates your history of alcohol and drug use, exploring patterns, frequency, duration, and associated consequences.

Psychological Assessment: Understanding of how your mental health and emotions intertwine with your substance use, identifying any underlying factors contributing to it.

Interviews: In rare cases, courts may request your evaluator to interview your family or close friends to gather insights into your substance use and its impact on your life.  If this applies to you, we are experienced in completing these tasks.

Standardized Tests: You can be asked to complete questionnaires or tests to measure the severity of your substance use and assess your readiness for change.

Recommendations: You will receive personalized recommendations that will never include more than what you need.  You will not be referred to a program that we offer or are affiliated with because these do not exist with us.  We are a standalone facility with no incentives to recommend certain services.  Possible recommendations could be none, education class, counseling, support group meetings, or treatment options.

Can You Do the Drug and Alcohol Evaluation Online?

Yes! You may complete a court ordered drug and alcohol assessment online for most cases. Online drug and alcohol evaluations are the go-to for many people looking to meet the requirements of court, their attorney, DMV, etc.

The state laws, the demands of the court or other referring authorities, and the assessment requester’s choices, among other variables, may affect the accessibility of online drug and alcohol assessments.

Why Go For the Alcohol And Drug Evaluation Online?

There are many benefits that online drug and alcohol assessment offer to concerned individual over traditional face-to-face which makes it a better option. Here are some:

Convenience: The main thing online DUI alcohol evaluations offer is convenience and flexibility. You have the freedom to finish your test from the comfort of your home. All you need is internet access and voila – your assessment is just a click away!

Accessibility: Online evaluations open doors for everyone, especially those with limited mobility or living in remote places. No more hurdles – just hop online and get the help you need wherever you are!

Privacy and Confidentiality: Your privacy matters. That’s why services like Affordable Evaluation go the extra mile, using secure platforms and top-notch encryption to keep your information safe and sound. Rest easy, knowing your assessment is in good hands.

Efficiency: Online drug assessment make the process smooth sailing, cutting down on wait times and paperwork hassles. Get assessed with ease and breeze through the process of the evaluation.

Cost-Effectiveness: By cutting out travel expenses and minimizing overhead costs, they provide a cost-effective solution without compromising on quality. It’s a savvy choice for both your budget and your health.

Take Control of Your Life with Affordable Evaluation

Our services offer comprehensive solutions to individuals needing professional evaluations, whether for personal insight, legal obligations, or professional requirements. If you’re faced with the necessity of a court ordered alcohol evaluation, our expertise ensures that your assessment will meet the specific criteria and standards required by the judicial system.

We offer several types of the most commonly used and generally accepted alcohol & drug evaluations throughout the nation. We are NOT a treatment program, nor are we affiliated with any treatment programs, which means you will never be referred for services that you do not need or are inappropriate for your case.

Our assessments are professional and individually tailored to each individual and we have no incentives to refer you to specific services. Our report completion turnaround is quick but we also offer rush and same day services when needed for an additional fee. 

Another benefit of our drug and alcohol assessment online is minimized court sentences. It’s strongly recommended that individuals look for Drug and Alcohol Assessment and participate in it. This shows the court and prosecutors that you are being proactive and ready to accept responsibility for your actions and are committed to completing the recommended counseling program.

Our drug and alcohol assessments online are strictly confidential and inclusive for every client. We believe that a little misstep in your life shouldn’t step back on your life and career.

  • Probation | Court | Attorney

    Whether you are on probation, pre-trial diversion, or are just being proactive in your new court case, we can provide you with an assessment these entities require. Our online drug and alcohol evaluations and assessments can enhance your chances for a positive outcome. With years of experience, our evaluations are guaranteed to be accepted by any agency!

  • Driver's License Resinstatement

    If a suspended or revoked driver’s license is preventing you from driving and or making it impossible to get a new license in a different state, we can help! We have successfully assisted many over the years who had their driver's license revoked or suspended. Contact us today to see if we can assist you.

  • Professional Boards

    Many times, professional boards such as nursing, will require you to get an alcohol drug evaluation for various reasons. Whichever professional board you are a member of, we can help you with this process. Our drug and alcohol assessments online are recognized and respected across numerous professional boards.

  • Employer

    If your employer is requiring you to complete an alcohol drug assessment, we can help you complete this. We are experienced in all aspects and needs regarding alcohol drug evaluations. We provide discreet online alcohol assessments to help you maintain your employment status and meet workplace standards. We provide the alcohol evaluation required as well as return to duty program as required by DISA, ASAP, DOT, FMCSA, PHMSA, USCG, FAA, TRA, and all other safety sensitive employers.

Alcohol Drug Evaluation Informational Video

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