Louisiana Online Telehealth Evaluations for Court, Attorney, DUI Case, Pre-Trial Diversion, Driver’s License Reinstatement, Return to Duty SAP DOT Program

Do you have a violation in the state of Louisiana? Are you needing an alcohol drug evaluation or assessment for a Louisiana court, probation, attorney, or pre-trial diversion? Our evaluations are guaranteed acceptance as we are licensed in the state of Louisiana. We will complete the assessment or evaluation that you need for the agency requiring these services.

Louisiana Driver’s License Reinstatement Do you need an assessment to get your driver’s license reinstated for the Louisiana DMV or department of motor vehicles? Has your Louisiana driver’s license been suspended and is now preventing you from getting a driver’s license in another state? If your Louisiana driver’s license has been suspended, we can help you get it reinstated in an affordable and timely manner.

Return to Duty SAP Evaluation Program If you live in the state of Louisiana and need to complete a return to duty SAP program for DISA, FMCSA, CDL (commercial driver’s license), PHMSA, USCG, FAA, TRA, employer, etc., we can help you get back to your career affordably and quickly!

How Affordable Evaluations Can Help YOU: Affordable Evaluations can help! We offer online / remote services so you can complete your evaluation from your location, at your own pace.

Our evaluations are guaranteed acceptance as we are licensed in the state of Louisiana. We will complete the assessment or evaluation that you need for the agency requiring these services.

Our services are not only guaranteed acceptance by your state’s agency, but there are no hidden fees and no unnecessary referrals. We are NOT associated with any treatment agencies; therefore, we are neutral in your evaluation, have no incentive to refer you for additional services, and will NEVER recommend services that you do not need.

Our service fee is very fair, but you may find an agency that offers a lower fee. If this occurs, please ask them if they are affiliated with any treatment facilities / programs. If they are, you may receive a cheaply priced evaluation or assessment, but you will likely be referred for services that you may not necessarily need, and this could potentially cost you more time and money in the long run.

If you are looking for a fair, individualized, no hidden fees, no unnecessary recommendations, evaluation or assessment, please call, text, or email us today for a complimentary review of your case.

No Unnecessary Referrals Please note that we are not a treatment program, nor are we affiliated with one, which means we will not recommend services for you that are not needed. You are guaranteed fair evaluation results as we have no incentive to refer you to treatment programs that are not needed or appropriate for you. We will not make you jump through hoops that stretch out into weeks and sometime months as some programs do. Rest assured; you will receive as few recommendations as possible.

Trusted Business We understand there are many sites on the internet that are not legitimate businesses and those who take advantage of people. This is why we include various ways to verify our business and therapist, Tammy Samour, so that you may feel confident in choosing us to help you with your evaluation. You may verify our business, WHY CHOOSE AFFORDABLE EVALUATIONS, including our BBB rating, customer reviews, and your evaluator, Tammy Samour’s Louisiana credentials.  

Louisiana Parishes Served :

Acadia Parish Claiborne Parish Jefferson Parish Rapides Parish Tangipahoa Parish
Allen Parish Concordia Parish La Salle Parish Red River Parish Tensas Parish
Ascension Parish DeSoto Parish Lafayette Parish Richland Parish Terrebonne Parish
Assumption Parish East Baton Rouge Parish Lafourche Parish Sabine Parish Union Parish
Avoyelles Parish East Carroll Parish Lincoln Parish St. Bernard Parish Vermilion Parish
Beauregard Parish East Feliciana Parish Livingston Parish St. Charles Parish Vernon Parish
Bienville Parish Evangeline Parish Madison Parish St. Helena Parish Washington Parish
Bossier Parish Franklin Parish Morehouse Parish St. James Parish Webster Parish
Caddo Parish Grant Parish Natchitoches Parish St. John the Baptist Parish West Baton Rouge Parish
Calcasieu Parish Iberia Parish Orleans Parish St. Landry Parish West Carroll Parish
Caldwell Parish Iberville Parish Ouachita Parish St. Martin Parish West Feliciana Parish
Cameron Parish Jackson Parish Plaquemines Parish St. Mary Parish Winn Parish
Catahoula Parish Jefferson Davis Parish Pointe Coupee Parish St. Tammany Parish
Acadia Parish Madison Parish
Allen Parish Morehouse Parish
Ascension Parish Natchitoches Parish
Assumption Parish Orleans Parish
Avoyelles Parish Ouachita Parish
Beauregard Parish Plaquemines Parish
Bienville Parish Pointe Coupee Parish
Bossier Parish Rapides Parish
Caddo Parish Red River Parish
Calcasieu Parish Richland Parish
Caldwell Parish Sabine Parish
Cameron Parish St. Bernard Parish
Catahoula Parish St. Charles Parish
Claiborne Parish St. Helena Parish
Concordia Parish St. James Parish
DeSoto Parish St. John the Baptist Parish
East Baton Rouge Parish St. Landry Parish
East Carroll Parish St. Martin Parish
East Feliciana Parish St. Mary Parish
Evangeline Parish St. Tammany Parish
Franklin Parish Tangipahoa Parish
Grant Parish Tensas Parish
Iberia Parish Terrebonne Parish
Iberville Parish Union Parish
Jackson Parish Vermilion Parish
Jefferson Davis Parish Vernon Parish
Jefferson Parish Washington Parish
La Salle Parish Webster Parish
Lafayette Parish West Baton Rouge Parish
Lafourche Parish West Carroll Parish
Lincoln Parish West Feliciana Parish
Livingston Parish Winn Parish










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